Decoration Day
Out in the counties, Decoration Day is a pre-Memorial Day sacrament.
Families drive in from all over to tidy-up plots, to place flowers both
real and oth...
I once watched a video of a man shocking himself with a dog collar... he
would turn up the voltage each time boasting that a human's mind could
overcome th...
Writing Workshop
This is the 3rd day of the Great Bear Writing Project workshop. I had 2
reasons for attending this workshop. 1. to help my students become better
writers a...
beginner blogger
*I believe I have jumped over Facebook and gone into blogging! Ha. I think
I've actually done something dealing with computers that my kids haven't
yet don...
No Joke!
I 'm attending a National Writing Project workshop in Camden,Arkansas. The
instructors are fantastic! We are learning why writing matters in the life
of a ...
Life and Writing
Attending a writing workshop this week has been therapeutic for me. I've
laughed and cried. Writing prompts have forced me to remember various
things from ...
Bless your heart!!!